12-2-23 – The Pain is Why I am Here, I think

You can’t really write about LA LA Land without feeling the intense PAIN of living here.

Until you FEEL each and every surreal circumstance cave in upon you at one time, you will never comprehend the monstrous intensity and the human GRINDING of concentrated fear, illiteracy and human detonation.

While waiting for a bus, I noticed a homeless guy sleeping on piece of cardboard, lying on the cold concrete. He was filthy and his ass was caked with shit. I watched in wonder as he pissed all over himself. The urine flowing past him without notice. He was probably too wasted to know, whilst waiting be hosed down as a mere stain on the city cement.

Watching pipples of color struggle and hustle against a system so stacked against them that crime is the only option. I’m here with them and it’s ALWAYS an option.

I’ve survived on these streets for 3 decades now, not because I’m tougher or meaner than anyone else. I’m simply smarter.

All I have to do is NOT SNAP.

After I met my late partner, Karin-Marie and made a firm commitment to a project (Neptune 9), I had a reason for being not only here in Los Angeles, but HERE on the planet for as long as I may or may not have.

Karin taught me how to be positive and appreciate life. While with her, my creativity flowed. And it is now five (5) years after her passing, I have the results of her love and inspiration.

I have Neptune 9, my legacy, as weird as it is.

Aside from teaching and assisting seniors, disabled and families on a daily basis, I like to comfort folks with a kind word or gesture.

I try to make pipples glad I was there.

I try.

CJ Davidson,

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