6/29/2024 – On My Own…Again

Sorry for not writing for so long, but things have been hectic, as you will read.

I left Chris and Rubitu at Nuuanu on 5/23/2k24. I moved again due to the owner’s family issues.

A little voice in ear reminded me…“I better call mom to give her my new address.” And then I realized…Mom is no more, except here in my heart and my head.

I carry her spirit and love in my heart with Karin’s, Grandma’s, Charles, Leonard, James and everyone who has passed. They all still watch over me, talk to me and guide me along the right path. I guess that’s what a true necromancer does. It’s the only way to explain how I (and my treasured studio equipment survived Los Angeles. And the unmerciful pain I have experienced in these last 6 months.

Eric the owner and his wife, Christina have been so good to me. Christina just brought me down fruit and some Tylenol for my aching knee. They have a desk and chair for me to buy for $60. Everything is falling together nicely.

I start my new job on Monday and my last day at Safeway is tomorrow night from 5 till 11pm. I’m not sure there’s a bus running at that time. I feel sad, but the job got me through some rough times.

I learned how many friends I had at Safeway when my bus never showed up and they all went to extreme means to help me get home. Please God protect my friends MJ, Ashley, Lola, Jasmine, Joe, Raquel Chol, Clay, Todd, Kai, Jared, Ajay, Mama Lisa, Soonie, Kiara, Paula, Lori, Nareiza, Walt and of course, Wanda. I will worry about them as I still worry about the friends I worked with in Los Angeles, as if they were my family.

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