Nuclear Holocaust or The Ultimate Reality Show into Oblivion

Ok. This is it. The perfect scenario:

On their respective thrones sits two (2) spoiled, rotten, entitled, rich kids who got everything they ever wanted since birth. Anyone who has said “no” to them has been either “eliminated”, bribed, paid-off, or “disappeared”.

This is generally known as “Royalty”, whereas leaders are “awarded” leadership roles based on their bloodline. This is what their nation homes have “allowed”  causing this potential nuclear night befalling us all. This is what “inheritance” has reciprocated back to the world as…birthright.

This week, the theory of “Royalty” and “Birthright” will be put to the test as these two borderline morons bluff their way into the everlasting…with us along for the ride.

In any case, we are watching two (2) megalomaniacs who have stumbled upon concrete reflections of them selves. Two (2) children are throwing temper tantrums holding biological, nuclear and chemical weapons in their tiny hands and nobody can the nukes out of their hands. Why? “It’s…just because. See? Now do what your ordered and die for your “anointed” leader as you should.

“So this is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object.” Said the Joker in The Dark Night. The problem here is both are jokers and they hold the lives of the world in their  paranoid hands.

www.thatotherwebshow.comNow as the reality of this mess sinks in, we can check our options like we did in the military, “Bend over, grab your ankles and kiss your ass goodbye.” Surprisingly, in this twenty-first century, there are those who insist to survive a  full-blown nuclear catastrophe. I salute their spirit, but their corpses will long purtify during those two to three-hundred years of radioactive wonderland swirling the globe’s “water”, “air” and “land” and I use those terms quite loosely since none of those are guaranteed to be in their original states of existence.

What’s that you say? A “limited nuclear war”? “Surviving a nuclear war”? Hmm. That sounds interesting. Let’s explore that delusion, shall we?

I may be wrong and I hope I am, but let’s say it happens and half the United States (the western part of course) and the entire Korean Peninsula are obliterated into radioactive ASH and it stops there…maybe.

“But I have prepared a 2 mile deep bomb shelter for just this purpose with 20 to 30 years supply of food and water. We got this!”

Good point, however moot, unless you can outlast the endless, lingering fallout in the air, water, land and no animals or vegetation, and reboot a planet void of life or the possibility thereof…also know as FUBAR.

If the deadly radiation dares to cross borders, say…all of them, the planet will,  as Wikipedia puts it…
“Besides the obvious direct destruction of cities by nuclear blasts, the potential aftermath of a nuclear war could involve firestorms, a nuclear winter, widespread radiation sickness from fallout, and/or the temporary loss of much modern technology due to electromagnetic pulses. Some scientists, such as Alan Robock, have speculated that a thermonuclear war could result in the end of modern civilization on Earth, in part due to a long-lasting nuclear winter. In one model, temperatures following a full thermonuclear war fall for several years by 7 to 8 degrees Celsius on average.[1] ” See, “Likelihood of human extinction.”

According to the The Nuclear Threat Initiative, “The United States will spend at least $179 billion over the nine fiscal years of 2010-2018 on its nuclear arsenal, averaging $20 billion per year, with costs increasing from $16 billion to $25 billion per year over that time frame. ”

www.thatotherwebshow.comThat sure is a lot of money to delete the human race, isn’t it? Looks like it may not matter how many times we destroy the world. We’ll long be carbon shadows before the next dozen of missiles hit the same targets over and over again, until, they too are eradicated by the last functioning nuclear launch base or the last base standing, probably one from the diagram on the left.

Imagine! You and your crew of about five or six people, in underground silos, (sealed?) have just launched all your missiles at various targets, killing millions of people around the globe, your missions complete and most of the Continent is ablaze with radiation storms and no communications, since nearly every has been killed within minutes….including their families and homes. What now? The obvious answer is they would eventually starve and dehydrate after a matter of weeks and that would be it.

So they moral of the story is…After spending TRILLIONS on this world-ending shit, we FINALLY get to use it! But don’t despair, because if it does happen, regardless of which idiot rich kid holds the nuke codes…you won’t feel a thing.

Seriously. You would either vaporize instantly from the intense 3000 degree plus of incineration OR your would become a carbon shadow on the one, like the one shown here on the left from Hiroshima.

OR you’ll experience terminal radiation sickness, the likes of which the world has seen in Hiroshima and Nagasaki such as the example pictured below left.

In any case, there is a silver lining and I keep telling my fiends and they look at me funny when I assure them, that first, we FINALLY get to spend all that Nuke Tech Investment we were forced to buy and most importantly, we don’t have to go to work or pay bills. Think about it. Slaves no www.thatotherwebshow.commore. Its all gone.

Those of you who can meditate close to the point of death or non-existence will understand the feeling of eternal bliss. To some it may hard to let go of all…this mess and war and anger and, etc. To others like me, the sooner the better. To be affiliated with a species who’s only commodities are those of self destruction is quite embarrassing to be sure. Alien beings, somewhere out there, will probably wait out the thousand years after we go “poof” and until the radiation storms are cleared.

Sure the can wait a thousand years. They have Universal Health Coverage. 🙂

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